1:06:58Episode 1
Episode12: Ben-Hur (1959)
Episode 1
In this episode, Max and Ted are joined by David Wyler, son of William Wyler, to discuss Ben-Hur (1959).
Episode 1: 2001: A Space Odyssey with Special Guest Tom Hanks
Episode 2
In this episode we're joined by Tom Hanks to discuss his favorite film: Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
1:04:53Episode 3
Episode 2: A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Episode 3
In this episode Ted discusses the Kubrick classic, A Clockwork Orange.
32:39Episode 4
Episode 3: Top Hat (1935)
Episode 4
In this episode Ted discusses the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical classic, Top Hat (1935).
Episode 4: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Episode 5
In this episode Ted and Max discuss the Tennessee Williams Classic, A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
36:24Episode 6
Episode 5: Dogfight (1991)
Episode 6
In this episode, Max and Ted discuss the early 90's hidden gem, Dogfight (1991)
Episode 6: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)
Episode 7
In this episode Max and Ted discuss A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, a 1945 American drama that marked the debut of Elia Kazan as a dramatic film director.
50:26Episode 8
Episode 7: All I Desire (1953)
Episode 8
In this episode Max and Ted discuss All I Desire, an American drama directed by Douglas Sirk and starring Barbara Stanwyck.
Episode 8: All That Heaven Allows (1955)
Episode 9
In this episode, Max and Ted discuss the 1955 American melodrama, All That Heaven Allows.
53:48Episode 10
Episode 9: All the President's Men (1976)
Episode 10
In this episode, Max and Ted discuss the American biographical political thriller film about the Watergate scandal that brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon; All the President's Men (1976).
57:38Episode 11
Episode10: Baby Doll (1956)
Episode 11
In this episode Max and Ted discuss Baby Doll (1956), considered to be among the most notorious films of the 1950's.
1:00:33Episode 12
Episode 11: Barry Lyndon (1975)
Episode 12
In this episode, Max and Ted discuss Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (1975).